Treguesit MT5
AMA Smoothed RSI Indikator
Ama Smoothed Rsi” title=”Ama Smoothed Rsi
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AMA to KAMA Crosses Indikator FRAMA Candle Indikator Smoothed Repulse Version 2 Tregues RSI of AMA Indikator Double Smoothed EMA Indikator Double Smoothed MACD Stochastic Smoothed WPR Indikator Vortex Smoothed Indikator ATR Adaptive Double Smoothed EMA BB Stops Smoothed WPR Indikator Normalized Smoothed MACD Indikator Smoothed WPR SR Indikator Kaufman AMA Indikator AMA Histogram Normalize Indikator PVI Smoothed Indikator Recursive Smoothed Stochastic FRAMA Indikator (MQ5) AMA Filtered Indikator Price Zone Oszillator Smoothed V2 AMA STL Color Indikator Price Zone Oszillator Smoothed RSI of AMA V2 Indikator- Treguesit e klasës së parë për MT4 dhe MT5