Kazalniki MT5
Heiken Ashi Smoothed Oszillator
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Zig Zag on Heikin Ashi Indikator Ehlers Inverse Fisher Transform of RSI Heiken Ashi Zone Trade Indikator AMA Smoothed RSI V2 ADX Smoothed Indikator (MQ5) MFI Smoothed Indikator Smoothed CCIIndikator Smoothed RSI Indikator AMA Smoothed RSI Indikator Guppy MMA of Double Smoothed EMA Range Oszillator Bands Smoothed I-Heiken Ashi SM Indikator Double Stochastic on Chart Indikator ADXM Smoothed MTF Indikator Accumulative Swing Index Smoothed Smoothed Momentum Indikator BB Stops Smoothed WPR Indikator ATR Adaptive Double Smoothed EMA Double Smoothed EMA MTF Indikator Smoothed WPR Indikator Choppiness Index JMA Smoothed Indikator Double Smoothed EMA V2 Indikator- Erstklassige Indikatoren für MT4 und MT5