Forex is a zero-sum game

Forex is a zero-sum game

Every day, tens of thousands of traders try to make money with the help of indicators and fail to do so.. This is inevitable. This is no coincidence. Since someone has the money, that you deserve, must lose (and usually these are other traders), all popular procedures are doomed to failure. At the beginning of the popularity of technical analysis in the 1970s, you could make a fortune with moving averages and simple oscillators. Today you are mercilessly stopped, because all these indicators have on their screen and the markets produce a lot more false breaks.

Welcome to the preschool

Welcome to Forex Preschool

On the following pages you will learn step by step the basic knowledge about FOREX. Words in the text, that are bold and highlighted, are technical terms, that you can click on, if you want to know, what they mean (Example: FOREX).

In preschool we have 31 Topics prepared for you, which you should study as closely as possible. First, if you are saddle-proof in these topics, you should go to primary school. You can also skip or repeat a topic at any time.

However, we recommend that you choose a broker now and download the Metatrader platform. Open a demo account and start testing. You can't lose anything with the play money. However, you will definitely gain experience and learn to understand the topics of preschool even better..

What is FOREX?

Foreign exchange

Surely you have heard of it before, that the currencies of individual countries are traded on the global stock exchanges. This forex trade is called FOREX. The term “FOREX” stands for Foreign Exchange Market – trading in currencies is thus “FOREX Trading” called.

How can I make money with FOREX?

Forex Trading

At FOREX you buy or sell currencies. The goal is to exchange one currency for another in the expectation that the purchased currency will increase in value compared to the one sold..

Here is a small calculation example:
The EUR/USD exchange rate is 1.1800. You decide 10.000 Euro to buy, you pay for it (10.000 x 1,1800 = 11.800) 11.800 USD.

The price rises 1.2500 and you decide, for sale again. For your 10.000 But now you get euros (10.000 x 1,2500 = 12.500) 12.500 USD.

The difference between the 11.800 USD and the 12.500 USD so 700 USD is your profit.

All about pips and lots

All about pips and lots

Now we're going to need a little math. In connection with FOREX, you are certainly already on the terms “Pip” and “Lot” bumped, what we want to show you here is what it is about and how it is calculated. Take some time, because every FOREX trader should know about it. You should not trade before you can calculate profit or loss using pip value.

Choosing a Forex Broker and Account

Choosing a Forex Broker and Account

Before you can start trading, you need an account (Account) open with a broker. What is a broker? To put it simply:, a broker is a person or company that executes trading orders at the trader's request. A broker gets a fee for his services, Range incurred by an order.

FOREX, Stocks and futures in comparison

FOREX, Stocks and futures in comparison

24-Hours market
The FOREX market is 24 Hours open all hours. With most brokers, trading is on 5 Days a week possible, the customer service is at 7 Dawn, 24 Hours available. You can go to American, Trade Asian and European market hours, This allows you to set up your own trading schedule. When trading stocks, you are always bound to the trading hours of the respective stock exchange.

FOREX Vocabulary

FOREX Vocabulary

As with any training, you have the opportunity to expand your vocabulary. As a beginner, you should know what the following terms are all about, before you start trading. You've probably read most of the terms before, however, a small summary never hurts.

What else you should know

Forex Tips and Tricks

Before we go any further, we want you to be absolutely clear about the following points.:

  • Every FOREX trader, and by that we really all mean, sometimes lose when trading. Most beginners lose their money, due to poor planning and practice, or because there are no personal rules for use and risk.
  • Never trade with money whose loss you can't take away: Do not take money that you absolutely need to pay the next electricity bill or what to buy to eat to top up your FOREX account. The risk is simply too great, that you will be left empty-handed afterwards.

Different ways of trading

Different ways of trading

Welcome to the primary school. We are looking forward to, that you attend primary school and are ready, acquire extensive knowledge of FOREX trading. The Forex Primary School consists of a total of 81 Topics, which you should work through attentively and occasionally repeat in order to become saddle-proof in all areas.